Motivate Them to Share

Just identifying your key influencers is not enough in today’s market. 
Instead, you’ve got to find them and then MOTIVATE them to share. 

Share what you ask? 
Share information about your brand, company, business, blog, product or name.
Over the long term, your goal as a marketer is to increase the size of your influencer base.
Are you thinking, "I'm not a marketer". Every person is a marketer of some kind. By finding and engaging in a direct dialogue with your "super influencers", you’ll get a clear idea of what motivates these brand ambassadors to share. 
If you don't know who your super influencers are contact Night Owl today to identify them right away.
Once you are armed with that knowledge, you can begin reaching out to your influencers — and even your fans who never share — to offer the right kind of content and rewards to turn more “followers” into “sharers.”
"Sharers" will be the key to drive your brand for your blog, business or product. Here is a sound bite I heard recently, "Sharing is growing". What motivates you to share?

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